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10mm 1980 1996 2000 2003 2007 2011 2020 2022 202223 2023 202324 2024 2025 49ers 6851 academy accuses against airbnb airport aktie alchemy aldean alta alterboy alternative amaryllis amazon amelie amidst analyst angebote animal animals ankara announced appearance argentina arizona armadillo around arrivals arsenal artists aston astronaut attacked aufstellungen augustus australia available avatar away bacardi bach baldurs balloon barcelona barkleys basketball bayern bear beba beckham before behind berlin best beta betonbohrer biker bikker bikovic birthday black blade blood boat book borussia bosch boss boston bowl bowman breaking brendan browns brownsville bruins brussel buckskin burchett burrower burrowing cabrera calcio calendar calendario california cambuur captivating card cardinals carson carter cast caulfield causes celebration celsius celtics center change chargers charlie chase cheats city clash classical clipart clubes clubs coach codice collection college coloring colorizing 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Sorceress Meaning In Hindi

Sorceress Meaning in Hindi

Sub-heading: Translation, Definition, and Meaning of Sorceress

Paragraph 1:

The English word "sorceress" refers to a woman who practices sorcery or magic. In Hindi, the meaning of sorceress is "जदगरन" (jadugaran). A sorceress is someone who is believed to have supernatural powers and can perform magical feats.

Paragraph 2:

The word "sorceress" is derived from the Latin word "sortiarius," which means "one who casts lots." In ancient times, it was believed that sorceresses could predict the future and control the forces of nature. They were often feared and respected by the communities in which they lived.

Paragraph 3:

Today, the word "sorceress" is often used to refer to a woman who is skilled in the art of magic. Sorceresses may perform illusions, cast spells, or create potions. They may also use their powers to heal the sick or protect against evil.
